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  • 用户玩游戏-积分实时榜单
  • IT视频热销实时榜单
  • 电商商品热销实时榜单
  • 一般的排行榜读多写少,可以对 master 进行写入操作,然后多个 slave 进行读取操作。
  • 如果是对象记得重写HashCode与Equals方法


 * 积分对象
 * @author cv大魔王
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2021/5/21 15:37
public class UserPointVO implements Serializable {

    public UserPointVO(String username, String phone) {
        this.username = username; = phone;

    private String username;

    private String phone;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
        UserPointVO that = (UserPointVO) o;
        return Objects.equals(username, that.username) && Objects.equals(phone,;

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(username, phone);


public void testData() {
    UserPointVO p1 = new UserPointVO("老王", "13113");
    UserPointVO p2 = new UserPointVO("老A", "324");
    UserPointVO p3 = new UserPointVO("老B", "242");
    UserPointVO p4 = new UserPointVO("老C", "542345");
    UserPointVO p5 = new UserPointVO("老D", "235");
    UserPointVO p6 = new UserPointVO("老E", "1245");
    UserPointVO p7 = new UserPointVO("老F", "2356432");
    UserPointVO p8 = new UserPointVO("老G", "532332");

    BoundZSetOperations<String, UserPointVO> operations = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("point:rank:real");
    operations.add(p1, 888);
    operations.add(p2, 5456);
    operations.add(p3, 589);
    operations.add(p4, 17);
    operations.add(p5, 569);
    operations.add(p6, 742);
    operations.add(p7, 333);
    operations.add(p8, 267);


     * 返回榜单信息前五
     * @return
    public JsonData realRank() {
        BoundZSetOperations<String, UserPointVO> operations = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("point:rank:real");
        // 只要前五,如果返回全部则是0 -1
        Set<UserPointVO> set = operations.reverseRange(0, 4);
        return JsonData.buildSuccess(set);

     * 返回榜单信息后五
     * @return
    public JsonData realRank2() {
        BoundZSetOperations<String, UserPointVO> operations = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("point:rank:real");
        // 只要前五,如果返回全部则是0 -1
        Set<UserPointVO> set = operations.range(0, 4);
        return JsonData.buildSuccess(set);

     * 查看某个用户的排名
     * @return
    public JsonData realRank3(String phone,String name) {
        BoundZSetOperations<String, UserPointVO> operations = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("point:rank:real");
        UserPointVO vo = new UserPointVO(name, phone);
        Long rank = operations.reverseRank(vo);
        return JsonData.buildSuccess(++rank);

     * 给用户加积分
     * @return
    public JsonData upRank(String phone,String name,int point) {
        BoundZSetOperations<String, UserPointVO> operations = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("point:rank:real");
        UserPointVO vo = new UserPointVO(name, phone);

        return JsonData.buildSuccess();

     * 查看某个用户积分
     * @return
    public JsonData myPoint(String phone,String name) {
        BoundZSetOperations<String, UserPointVO> operations = redisTemplate.boundZSetOps("point:rank:real");
        UserPointVO vo = new UserPointVO(name, phone);

        Double score = operations.score(vo);
        return JsonData.buildSuccess(score);